A presentation outlining the creative challenge and the amplifier coefficient(s) one by one.
As facilitator, you must choose a number of amplifiers before the session (bigger, smaller, quicker, more expensive, broader, etc.) that can be used to modify the problem.
For example, for the question “How can we recreate the feeling of ‘togetherness’ when working remotely”?, the different amplifier coefficients could be:
time: “How can we recreate the feeling of ‘togetherness’ when working remotely
in less than a minute?”
for one whole year?”
size: “How can we recreate the feeling of ‘togetherness’ when working remotely
with just 5 people? »
with more than 100 people? »
means: “How can we recreate the feeling of ‘togetherness’ when working remotely
Explain the problem the participants must resolve and its context.
Remind everyone of the rules and timings of the following steps.
Generation of ideas. [3 to 18 mins]
Propose an initial coefficient: the participants then have three minutes to vocally express as many ideas as possible, in no specific order.
Repeat this step with as many coefficients as you like.
Debrief and filter the ideas [10 mins]
Go back over all the ideas: can they be used, combined, explored further?