Amplify your company transformation through a tailor-made approach combining consulting, facilitation, training and coaching, based on 3 piliars:
the invisible
to leverage your culture and track the impacts of your transformation.

Amplifying is daring to think about your impacts at all levels and build a new relationship with value in order to transform your business into a high-performance, sustainable and contributive model for the people and for the world.
Measure the invisible

Cultural diagnosis, follow-up, monitoring and valorization of your company’s transformation.
A tool for measuring and mapping your culture and identify the true aspirations of your employees.
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Transformation Dashboard
Dedicated KPIs to monitor and evaluate your transformation process.
Learn differently

Acculturation, training, transmission of new methods and management postures
Facilit’hacker program
A 6-day training course in collective intelligence facilitation, certified by QUALIOPI (French label)
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Training courses for managers
Training in new managerial positions to enable you to meet the challenges of 21st century organisations (leader-coach, leader-federator, leader-entrepreneur…)
Talents program
A multiple-month course, either face-to-face or blended, allowing an acculturation to innovative methods and postures, in line with your strategic projects.
Short training courses of 1.5 to 2 hours, online or face-to-face, to learn and experiment collaborative skills and know-how in a short time.
Spread the transformation

Cross-pollination of new practices and innovative & collaborative ways of working, leveraging your company’s projects.
Action communities
Launch and support of of internal and/or external stakeholders communities, on topics or projects directly related to your cultural and business challenges.
Innovation Labs
Launch and support of innovation labs promoting the development of a culture of innovation and the emergence of new options and ideas on strategic topics.