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The transformation star

Review a project based on real-life experiences



The transformation star is a tool that can be used as a guide for taking stock of a project or experience, either individually or as a group. Based on the concepts of reflection, prioritising, letting go, and moving forwards, it pushes us to go one step further by capitalising on the experiences we have already lived through.

The transformation star is a tool inspired by the principles of real-life experiences, highlighting what behaviour we should be adopting or leaving behind, with a focus on balance.


Time needed: 30 to 45 minutes


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Key steps

Option 1: Individual reflection

  1. Give each participant a transformation star sheet and ask them to fill out each point.
  2. Ask them to share their stars to initiate a group discussion.

Option 2: Group reflection

  1. Start by drawing a big transformation star onto a flip chart.
  2. Invite the group to spend 5 minutes in silence, writing down their ideas for each point of the star onto Post-it notes.
  3. Next, ask them to stick their Post-it notes onto the star one by one, reading their ideas out loud to the rest of the group.

In both versions, you can help the participants during the debriefing session by encouraging them to think about the balance of the behaviour they’d like to develop, either individually or as a group:

It’s often difficult to accept we need to give up certain habits: it’s just the way our brains are configured. However, it’s important to not throw the star off balance by overloading some points to the detriment of others (too many things being added and not enough being given up).

Tips and advice

You don’t need a big group to make use of the transformation star: it works perfectly alone or in pairs too.