To save colors and take care of the planet, print this text in shades of gray

Seven words

Highlight differences in representation



The Seven Words Method allows us to realise that we do not all associate the same representations with the same term. By clarifying the vocabulary used, the exercise develops a common language among group members.


Time needed: 15 to 30 minutes


Key Steps

As a facilitator, you state the word the group will seek to explain during the exercise.

  1. Individual time (5 minutes)
    Each participant notes the seven words (one idea per Post-it) that spontaneously come to mind in connection with the word to be explained. Even if the idea that comes up seems off-topic, it doesn’t matter!
  2. Sharing and Convergence
    Everyone puts up their Post-its. You help the group gather words that are exactly the same, reconcile words that look the same, and identify isolated words. The core language elements are the ones that come up often/that have been used several/many times.

Tips and Advice