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Glad Sad Mad

Review a project or experience by drawing on emotions



The Glad Sad Mad technique can be used to structure a project review. It’s an exercise that provides a means of identifying everyone’s perceptions, engaging in a constructive debate, adjusting our actions and/or sharing our skills.


Time needed: 30 to 45 minutes


Download the template

To make proper use of this tool, make sure you explain what each emotion means in advance:

Key steps

  1. Once the focus of the project review has been established, invite each participant to reflect individually for 20 to 30 minutes and write their ideas on the Post-it notes provided (one Post-it note per idea).
  2. The participants then take it in turns to stick their Post-it notes onto the template displayed on the wall (either printed or drawn out).
  3. Debrief: the group takes some time to observe each other’s ideas and identify differences in their perception.
    E.g.: Two people may have put the same subject in two different columns
  4. Analysis and action plan
    Get the group to vote on what topics they’d like to address. The 2 or 3 that are most popular can then be analysed collectively. Next, ask the participants to define ways they can improve and compile them into an action plan.