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Feel collective energy through the body



The “Mazunga” is used to end a work session with a quick but striking exercise or to reinvigorate mid-session participants.

Because it calls on the “guts”, this rallying cry is a measure of cohesion: it allows you to gather and feel the energy of the group in a few moments.


Time needed: 5 to 10 minutes

A space large enough for the group to stand in a circle

Key steps

As a facilitator, you first tell participants that the rallying cry is “Mazunga!” so that they know that they will have to shout loud and clear “Zunga!” at the end of going around the circle.

  1. A person starts by reaching out to the centre of the circle, bending their knees a bit and shouting “Maaaaa…” loudly.

  2. This person holds the sound and each member of the circle reproduces it in a clockwise direction.
    Everyone continues to hold and amplify the sound “Maaaaa…” until the circle is complete and you are back to the person who started.

  3. The person who started then raises their hands in the air and ends the cry with a loud “… AAAzunga!”.
    This last sound and final movement must be performed simultaneously by the whole group: the group will have the impression that the ground is rumbling.

Tips and Advice