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The hot air balloon

Take stock of a project by capitalising on everyone’s individual experiences



The hot air balloon method is a reflection technique we can use to help move forwards together, redefine the direction of a project, or re-invigorate the team dynamic.


Time needed: 15 to 60 minutes


Download the hot air balloon poster

Key steps

  1. Once the focus of the project review has been established, share the following questions one by one, inviting the participants to write their answers on the Post-it notes provided (one Post-it note = one idea):
  1. After each question, the participants stick their Post-it notes onto the hot air balloon displayed on the wall (either printed or drawn out in advance).
  2. Debrief: once all the questions have been tackled, help the group to summarise what lessons they have learned and identify the actions they now need to implement, either to benefit an on-going project or simply to be able to work together better in the future.

Tips and advice