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Present and promote an idea effectively to get your audience on board



A “pitch” is a short argument, presented orally, that enables an individual to present and showcase a good practice, an innovative idea or a major project in a way that hopefully gets their audience on board.
It can be used:


Time needed: 1 to 20 minutes


Key steps

Below is some general advice on how to prepare or help prepare for a public pitch:

  1. Be clear and concise
    Your pitch can be structured as follows:
Download example pitch structure

The order of these elements is not set in stone and can be adjusted as needed.


  1. Create the wow factor
    Always have the “big idea” underpinning your pitch in mind. This could be a concept, a point of view or simply verbalising what many people already feel but have never been able to put into words.
  1. Capture the attention of your audience
    Your pitch must always be addressed to someone. Whatever the size of your audience, ask yourself what their mindset might be like and the effect that you want to have on them.

The more you adapt your pitch to your audience, the more they’ll be able to immerse themselves in your idea and appreciate the implications and opportunities it could generate.
Put yourself in your audience’s shoes: :
In what context do they live? Why are they attending this pitch? What can they take away from it? How can you positively affect them?

  1. Repeat, repeat, repeat!


Check list for a successful pitch
The success of any pitch rests on the perfect balance of style and substance. Aside from the tips provided above, ask yourself these 5 questions when you’re practising:

Tips and advice