To save colors and take care of the planet, print this text in shades of gray

Analogue portrait

Discover others from a different perspective



The idea of this check-in technique is to facilitate a collective intelligence session to allow participants to view themselves through out-of-the-box associations. E.g. through an animal, a place, a colour, a food/dish, a striking film or even a book. This more informal introduction facilitates the creation of an environment of trust.


Time needed: 15 to 30 minutes


Key steps

As a facilitator, you invite each participant to write the symbolic element they choose to (re)introduce themselves on a sheet of paper. It can be an animal, a place, a colour, etc.

Each participant then has one minute to introduce themselves to the group using the chosen analogy.

The introduction is followed by a time to share the surprises that this information may have generated.

Tips and Advice