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(Re)energise a group while having fun



The “1-2-3” aims to use the body to add momentum and create a positive mood in the group. Used for check-in or check-out, this fun exercise also strengthens connections between participants.

It requires our brain to adapt to break from our reflexes. In doing so, our neural activity focuses on the pre-frontal cortex, the area of the brain associated with adaptation as well as creativity and openness.

By activating this area, the group prepares for it to be more easily activated for the following sequences or simply finishes their work on an energising note.


Time needed: 10 minutes

A spacious room or an outside space

Key steps

As a facilitator, you ask the group to form pairs.

  1. Face to face, the pairs count up to 3 out loud :
    A say 1, B says 2, A says 3, B says 1, etc.
  2. Gradually, they replace each number with an energising gesture made without speaking.
    E.g.: if 1 changes to “clap your hands”: A claps their hands, B says 2, A says 3, B claps his hands, etc.
  3. The pairs continue until all they do is make gestures.
    E.g.: 2 can become “stomp your foot on the ground” and 3 can become “mimic belly dancing” for example.

At the same time, you get the group to repeat the last sequence and speed up the pace, then you suggest stopping while starting to applaud to mark the end of the exercise.

Tips and Advice