The hot air balloon method is a reflection technique we can use to help move forwards together, redefine the direction of a project, or re-invigorate the team dynamic.
Once the focus of the project review has been established, share the following questions one by one, inviting the participants to write their answers on the Post-it notes provided (one Post-it note = one idea):
What course should we be taking? (the compass)
What direction are we going in?
Who are we taking with us in our basket?
What is the weather like? What do we need to be vigilant about? (wind, clouds, lightning)?
What will facilitate our project (sun, wind, etc.)?
What is going to fire the burner? What is our engine?
What weight do we need to offload? What do we need to let go of?
What are our essentials (the ropes holding the project together, attaching the basket to the balloon)?
After each question, the participants stick their Post-it notes onto the hot air balloon displayed on the wall (either printed or drawn out in advance).
Debrief: once all the questions have been tackled, help the group to summarise what lessons they have learned and identify the actions they now need to implement, either to benefit an on-going project or simply to be able to work together better in the future.
This exercise can also be carried out individually: everyone is given their own “hot air balloon” and responds to the same list of questions.
It’s up to you whether you invite the participants to present their best ideas on a shared hot air balloon or not, depending on the aim of the exercise and/or the group’s mindset.