World Café
Reflect on a theme or problem as a group in a friendly way
World Café
Reflect on a theme or problem as a group in a friendly way
World Café connects people and ideas by exploring questions using a framework. The exercise encourages each person to contribute. The conversations that are generated give participants a global view of the topic and make it possible to find meaningful solutions that individuals can identify and engage with.
Time needed: 75 à 120 minutes
Materials :
Before the session, prepare a framework of three questions. This set of questions can take different forms:
You can also repeat the same question three times if the aim is to take the reflection as far as possible
The participants sit around the different tables. As facilitator, you explain to them that they will be discussing different questions together and that they are invited to draw and/or take notes of the discussion directly on the table coverings.
Participants then have 5 minutes to move around and change tables, except for the hosts who remain at their table.
You then ask the second question. As the tables are discussing, sharing, and drawing, you can move among them to keep up the energy, make sure they are marking the paper and that each individual can express themselves.
After 15 to 20 minutes, the participants move around again and change tables (5 minutes).
You then ask the third so-called “harvesting” question. Most of the time this is a convergence question, meaning that it is based on the previous two and is oriented towards concrete action. Each table has 20 minutes to exchange, discuss and organise their answers while continuing to take notes and draw on the table covering.
10 minutes before the end of the round, you give each table an A3 sheet for harvesting so that tables can summarise and finalise their response to question 3.